Thursday, December 31, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!!

Our Christmas here was great!!!! Kyle was so much fun to watch as he came down the steps in the morning to see that Santa had come for a visit! Papa and Grandma Carol got to come celebrate with us and have fun watching the kids. We all went to church for Christmas Eve service. Kyle tried to stay with us, but ended up going to the nursery to play. Elizabeth stayed for most of the time and I realized during the service that she is getting her first tooth!!!! We then went home and set out cookies for Santa. I was so impressed that Kyle (by himself, without prodding) wanted to sing happy birthday to Jesus! Go Kyle! Then he not only wanted to give Santa about a dozen cookies, but he wanted to share some books and even his gloves with santa! Cute! Christmas morning, I was so excited that I woke up at 4:00! I haven't been this excited for a visit from Santa since I was a kid! Here are some pictures to enjoy! Of course there are many more, but these are just a glimpse...e-mail me if you want the link for all of them!

Papa and Grandma Carol's gift to Elizabeth was her rocking chair. Kyle is also sitting in his from them for his first Christmas too...what a special tradition!

The McGhee Christmas apron. Each member of the family has signed the apron and all of the grandkids have a footprint!

Kyle with a stack

Monday, December 21, 2009


oops...just heard the actual total snow was closer to 23 inches! The second largest in Philly history!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Snowy days!

Yipee! Snow! Well, we got our first big storm of the year! As far as we can guess...we got about 18 inches at our house! The temps were in the low 20s! They even cancelled church! Thanks to Dave for shoveling ALL of it off of the driveway and sidewalks. He shoveled 3 times! I got to stay nice and cozy warm inside with the kids. Kyle was a bit sick, so we didn't let him go out the first day. We decided a quick play in the snow on Sunday wouldn't be too bad. The outdoor trip started off perfectly....Santa was on a fire engine coming down our street! Kyle was shocked. He was just staring. After Santa left, he kept talking about it. And a real fireman came up to us and gave Kyle a candy cane! This was awesome for Kyle (and for me to see on Kyle's face). They even had on the really loud sirens! Then we played in the snow. Kyle wanted to make a snowman, but it was not very good packing snow this time. We did have a quick small snowball fight. Kyle had fun....but not a ton of fun. It was quite hard for him to walk in all of the snow and his snow boots. When we came inside, he said, "mommy, I guess the snow is o.k." Here are some pics...

the flag still stands!

Our driveway neighbor's step...I took this from inside.

The shovel man. Kyle told Dave he looked like a monster . This shot was taken in the middle of round 3 of shoveling

A pic of our neighbors across the street. Notice their 3 front steps are covered!

The tree by our side door.

And a warm up in the bath! Cute huh? :)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December Days

Fun decorating the tree and house! One day when we get our "real" house, we will have to invest in some bette decorations and a better tree!

Kyle's friend, Jake, had his birthday party at Gymboree....Kyle will also have his party there in Jan! The kids had a lot of fun!

Elizabeth could not quite get in her nap with all of the excitement!

Daddy and the kids playing

Elizabeth meets Gymbo!

Kyle shows Elizabeth how much fun it can be to ride in the laundry basket! this is a funny post....Kyle is such a boy in many ways....but we admit, he loves pink, my dress shoes and to occasionally carry a least he is still holding onto his football

Hanukkah at our house with Pop-Pop, Howard and Fran, Steph, Damian, Dylan and Kiera, Karen, Adam and Kristin

Dr. Rudolph #2 in the future? Kyle is enjoying his new doctor's kit

Kyle was able to participate in our church pagent this year. He was a sheep. He was very excited about the whole thing! We were not sure if he would actually do it, but he DID!!! He was a perfect little sheep. He just followed the bigger kids up and stayed very quiet! He later went up for an encore when the big kids were singing. Check out the videos below!

Kyle's new stomp rocket.....tons of fun for all! Check out this video below later too! It really captures Kyle'e excitement!

Kyle hates to get water in his eyes in the tub. Dave thought some goggles might help!

Video of Dave making Elizabeth laugh!

Kyle's latest version of jingle bells!

Fun on the stomp rocket!

A clip from the Christmas pagent at church. It is a bit long! This is the part Kyle was able to participate in. Unfortunatly, you mostly see his back. He is the all white sheep with khacki pants. Later on, he turns around and gives us a little wave!


This was the end of the pagent. It was the last song. Kyle wanted to go up again and just stood there watching! Funny! Our neighbor's grandson, Colin was so nice to give Kyle a hug!