Monday, August 30, 2010

AWWWW sweet!

Our cutie pies!!!
My cleaning buddy!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

addicted to pictures

O.K, I admit it...I am addicted to pictures. And my new phone really supports my habit! These pictures were all taken from my phone....i have a camera at my fingertips pretty much all the time! That is trouble!

We had a playdate with Kyle's friend, Charlie this Sat. His mom made breakfast and then we played...and then Kyle got to try out a Little Gym class with Charlie. Kyle loved it! And Elizabeth had fun watching big brother!

Elizabeth LOVES to walk her doggie!

Kyle was pretending to take his "airplane" to Atlanta. He put all of his favorite things in the wagon and then asked how to get to Atlanta!

This is how Kyle entertained himself while I was taking a shower. He usually lines up the cars in a parade type fashion....this time I felt like I was on display! He he!

Playground with Charlie

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hidden spot at the zoo

Anyone up for a dip in our huge pool? Ha ha!
Cooling off by "painting" the driveway with water

We have been members at the zoo for 2 years now and pass by the tree house every time. We have been going every other Tues this summer for an outdoor concert. This Tuesday, we ventured into the tree house. Very cool! It is an indoor playground for the kids...a big hit!!
This is my new favorite picture! Kyle was so cute with Elizabeth at the zoo this past time. She walked a bit, and he would say to her, "come on liz-bif-ee" He also took her on many adventures by holding her hand...priceless!

And of course this is adorable too!

Kyle climbing on the honey comb bee hive. There is a giant bee in the front of this spot

Art station

Frog eggs....also a huge frog here too!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

videos from new phone of "baseball practice"

videos from the night of the boat parade

Outdoor fun

We were at the shore last weekend and were lucky to be able to have a front row seat for "Night in Venice" This is a parade of decorated boats on the water. We all were able to relax and enjoy the show. The kids all had a blast! It was a little past bed times....this is Elizabeth at the end of the night!....."where is my crib????"

Dave playing ball with Kyle and Connor

Megan and Laurie...and a baby in each belly!

The guys, Dave, Mark and Marcin