I took the kids to the mall to visit the Easter Bunny last week. It was great...we went on a Thursday and it was empty! ....no line! Here they are taking a second look from above.

Playing in the water in the sink...what a good big brother!

Yes....Max made it into the bed...this is only for a few minutes each night while we read before sleeping...he is a LONG way from earning the whole night with us!

Family dinner out......and a great dessert!

Well....it happened....we had our first trip to the ER with Kyle. We knew it would happen eventually...but we always assumed it would be a broken bone of some type. Poor Kyle, his asthma got out of control and we used all of the medicine and nebulizer treatments we had at home. His doctor said we needed to go to the ER! He did a good job. The medicine worked and we were able to go home that day. The pics below are in reverse order. Kyle's favorite parts were the popsicle and the fact that he didn't have to get a shot!