Wow...I have to d ocument what is going on in our house right now. The kids requested waffles for breakfast this am. We had a fun breakfast, and then I asked them to play nicely while I cleaned up. They have been playing together for over an hour!!!!
Here are some pics from the local fair that came to town.

Uncle Howard entertaining the kids...telling jokes

Cute curls!

Kyle dressed himself for church....notice the pant leg in the socks!

Kyle has been asking to take the training wheels off of his bike for quite a while now. We finally had a chance to try it as a family. Dave used his tools to take the training wheels off....we padded Kyle up and went to the parking lot up the street. I ran along side Kyle for about 2o feet...and then he just took off! Like he had done it his whole life! He could stop, turn and wave without falling!

(yes, he needs a new bike helmet....outgrew his old helmet did just fine for the day)

Proud Daddy!

Elizabeth was a great cheer leader...and gave Kyle lots of hugs!

Little girl fixing the stairs

We found a new museum in NJ was fun to go to a new place to explore. We had a good time with Lisa, Simon and Talia

Think Kyle enjoyed this?????

Giant lite brite

Horse stable

Digging for dinosaur fossils

Cool dinosaur the kids could climb through...and hug the leg!

Of course a snack!

Big game of operation

Carrie and Grayson!!!!

Holding our newest nephew!

Lacey and Luke

The Shafto family

Luke taking his first walk!

Chad, Carrie and Grayson Harris

Housekeeping staff

Hiding from Daddy when he comes home!

Helper chefs...making waffles this am

Playing in the fort while I clean up today!!!!