And we got MORE snow...not sure of this snowfall's totals, but I think I heard around 19 inches. We had "blizzard" like conditions...whipping wind, falling trees and lots of blowing snow! It was crazy! They even shut down some major roads!This has been a record setting year for snowfall! My work was closed, as were many places of business. Dave did have to go into work...good thing for the 4 wheel drive!
Here is a VERY kind neighbor using his snowblower to clear off the sidewalks! Thanks! (for those of you in the is our legal obligation to clear the sidewalks on our property!)

These are some shots from the bedroom window of our neighbor's houses. Too cold now to go out with the kids! Notice they already cleared the street!

So warm inside, Elizabeth could just be in a diaper!

Dave tried to go into work today and found the Rezer's tree had fallen across the driveway. Thanks, Harry for helping to clear the way! We were glad he had some equipment available. The only thing we have to help in this situation is a saw...and it is past the huge mountail of snow over the fence, through the backyard snow and probably stuck in the shed because we doubt we could even get the shed door open!


Hmmmm, will this snow ever end? When are we going to get to go swimming?

Entertaining in the basement

Little Mr. Fix it!

We pretended to be a band with kitchen instruments...Elizabeth chose to eat her drum stick...then we had a marching band that turned into a fun dance party!....cabin fever????

Making Valentines for his classmates

Simon had his 3rd birthday last saturday. It was at their new home! They brought in a great singer for the kids. All the boys were very interactive...and Elizabeth was enjoying it too! Happy Birthday, Simon!

Elizabeth and Talia become friends!
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