Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fundraiser walk, Dorney park and the Aquarium

I took the kids to walk with me for a fundraiser. It was for a very special girl and her family whom I have known for quite a while now. Although I don't see them very often, she will always be close to my heart! Her family is one of a kind and I am lucky to know them! It was a good experience for the kids to be a part of. I think Kyle actually understood why we were there....and to top it off...we got to go INSIDE a baseball stadium. He was so excited to pretend he was really playing!

They had a kids comedian after the walk. To warm up the crowd...he asked for jokes from the kids. To my suprise, Kyle raised his hand and told a joke! "What do you get when you cross a chicken and a crocodile?...a crock a doodle do!"

We have been REALLY enjoying the kids lately. Dave has had a little more free time, and we have had a great time doing fun family things! The kids are at such a great age to have fun and explore with them. Dave's sister, Stephanie and her daughter, Kiera got us into Dorney park cheaply with their anual membership. We enjoyed the day with great weather!

A cute picture!

Elizabeth's best friend is Jill, "Jill Jill" as Elizabeth would say. Her older sister, Ali is in Kyle's class at school. We all went to the aquarium this week for a great time. The kids had a blast touching the water creatures, playing, snacking, and then playing in the water fountain in the warmer weather. It was fun to watch them all together, and hang out with Wendy!!!


Kyle and Ali posed for these "prom like" pictures without us even prompting them! So funny..and cute!

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