Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

The Red, White and Blue game at Kyle's camp

Playing in the hose with Daddy

 We had a nice afternoon with Lisa, Marc, Simon and Talia.  Here is Elizabeth's buddy, Wilson

 The gang

 Yummy, S'more brownies

 out of order, group shot of the ball teams

 Old picture of Kyle's first lost tooth
 Kyle and I went on our 2nd anual "date night"  It is a special mommy/son night of dinner, ice cream and fireworks!  Priceless time with my big boy!
 Elizabeth at Kyle's game
 old picture of Elizabeth taking care of herself when her tummy hurt. 
 Kyle telling Papa and Grandma Carol he lost his tooth!!!!

 more of "date night"

 Kyle met some boys playing a ball game while we waited for the fireworks
 Marybeth came to watch them too...and play of course!!!
 Our local July 4th celebration; races, water ice and pretzels, and a parade

Go Elizabeth!!!!! (notice she is running towards Dave and Kyle)
 We met up with some friends from school
 Waiting for the parade
 my date waiting for fireworks
 Kyle getting ready to race

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